
Custom Theme

If you would like to use your own theme instead of the default. There are some steps you will need to follow.

First, install and configure Vanilla Extract for your bundler of choice. More info on that can be found here. (opens in a new tab)

Next, create a theme file with the extensions yourTheme.css.ts and configure the follow as show below.

* Please note that the theme configuration must match the contract EXACTLY. All variables must be included, else a type error will be thrown.

import { vars } from '@cakepop/react';
import { createTheme } from '@vanilla-extract/css';
export const yourTheme = createThemeContract({
  color: {
    background: 'red',
    text: 'blue',
    textContrast: 'pink',
    focus: 'green',
    neutral: 'gray',
    neutralHover: 'lightgray',
    neutralShadow: 'black',
    primary: 'blue',
    primaryHover: 'blue',
    primaryShadow: 'blue',
    accent: 'blue',
    accentHover: 'blue',
    accentShadow: 'blue',
    success: 'blue',
    successHover: 'blue',
    successShadow: 'blue',
    info: 'blue',
    infoHover: 'blue',
    infoShadow: 'blue',
    warning: 'blue',
    warningHover: 'blue',
    warningShadow: 'blue',
    danger: 'blue',
    dangerHover: 'blue',
    dangerShadow: 'blue',
  fluidContainerSizes: {
    xs: '300px',
    sm: '400px',
    md: '500px',
    lg: '1000px',
    xl: '1800px',
  breakpoints: {
    xs: '300px',
    sm: '400px',
    md: '500px',
    lg: '1000px',
    xl: '1800px',
  media: {
    xs: 'only screen and (min-width: 300px) and (max-width: 549px)',
    sm: 'only screen and (min-width: 550px) and (max-width: 767px)',
    md: 'only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1023px)',
    lg: 'only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1023px)',
    xl: 'only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1023px)',
Last updated on February 16, 2023